No, this isn't an article on the state of the economy...
There's a great deal of buzz going around after Apple's major, double-wamy announcement about Macworld/Steve Jobs made the papers, wires and Net.
We received a few interesting e-mails about it and I found several interesting articles online.
Wired Magazine has an interesting article about the whereabouts of Mr. Reality Distortion Field himself as does a story over at Fortune. Then there's a post over at Fortune's Apple Blog about why the Fruit Company is better off without Macworld. It's going to be a curious ride for Apple all the way through the first week of January when we experience Phil's deflowering at his headlining keynote.
Interesting times lie ahead...
Nice pic you made.
Thanks, but as much as I'd like to claim credit for it, I'm not that talented and don't have the time to make something so, uhm... graphically intensive. Is that the right word? Is that a word? Whatever...
I only did very minor alterations to it. It was found on the Net while hunting up the occasional Zach Efron rumors.
Yeah, right. Like that's gonna happen.
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