The Business Insider has an interesting article about Apple called: "The New Microsoft" that's a must read for those that follow the Little Fruit Company.
But really? The NEW Microsoft? How insulting... I mean, I know how Apple would feel. Everyone keeps referring to me as the NEW Brad Pitt. How ridiculous, I'm much better looking than Brad Pitt. And so is Apple. I mean, better looking than Microsoft, not Brad Pitt, cause that would be just crazy.
Now where did I put that iPhone, I'm expecting that call from Jobs any minute...
I don't understand why you are upset that Microsoft is trying to be more like Apple. Would you rather they stubbornly stay the same? If Apple is so much better as you say, then perhaps it's a good thing that Microsoft is using them to better their company.
You took the wrong end of the argument, Anonymous...
I was upset that Apple was being compared to Microsoft.
I'm an Apple Guy and it's fun to tease the other side. Try and not take anything said about Bill Gates and his evil brethren too seriously...
Anonymous must have not read the article you linked to, Honor. He misunderstood because he shot his mouth off before knowing what he was talking about.
Tipical Windows user!
I've been saying this for years. The bigger the Apple gets, the more rotten the core. Their closed system and reluctance to license 3rd party developers and increasing Big Brother mentality while promoting a culture that is drinking the kool-aid will be their downfall.
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