And Away...
Seems those guys over at Latino Review have gotten their hands on the "Lone Ranger" script...
Seems like El Guapo's pals have read the first draft of Terry Rossio and Ted Elliott's more serious version of the masked man. And they apparently think it's really good. Really. Go over and take a look at their video review.
Of course, we have to wait until 2012 to see a return to those thrilling days of yesteryear...
I can't wait. It's been too long since there was a really good, blockbuster Western.
Lone Ranger sucks major @ss.
Lame cornball crap! Please. Come up with something good, not this rehash. How many times do we need this retold?
The Western genre died for a reason. People got tired of it dominating the film and TV screens from the 30's to the 60's. Every attempt to revive the genre since has stalled because the same themes are retread. The last great western was Once Upon A Time In The West.
That's why the time is ripe for the Weird West! And I don't know if it's something in the water, but in the next few years we're going to be seeing Jonah Hex, Cowboys and Aliens, an untitled TV series just announced by Fox, and this version of The Lone Ranger (which sounds like it has Butch Cavendish possessed by the Wendigo).
Westerns may be down, but they're trying to rise from the dead. Literally... Jonah Hex has zombies.
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