Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Ghost Mountain...


Here's the poster for Space Mountain's Halloween makeover as "Ghost Galaxy." It's going to be based on the one in Hong Kong Disneyland, but toned down a bit. Those Chinese like their Halloween closer to "Knotts Scary Farm" that "Mickey's Halloween Time."



Mike Folf said...

Do you mean 'Boo' as in the traditional Boo-to-scare, or 'boo' as in it's bad.

Spokker said...

Too bad there isn't a theme park for adult themes so that a Dead Space or System Shock inspired horror dark ride could exist.

Spokker said...

That same park should have a "Bioshock Land" so I could watch an animatronic Big Daddy bash the hell out of some poor bastard. Animatronic death scenes! Only in my dreams...

Anonymous said...

I'd say that Honor meant "Boo" in the traditional Halloween sense. Anyone who reads his blog regularly knows that he likes to be cute and campy in his writing. Besides, if he had meant otherwise he would have said so.

Honor--Care to make your token appearance in this comments section and confirm? ;)

I'm looking forward to this. It will be interesting to see what they do to change things up.

And regardless if it is "toned down" or not, it will still be a trilling experience because it is Space Mountain!

Honor Hunter said...



Anonymous said...

Hey Spok, I noticed your a-hole comment on another blog... still upset you were banned from MI eh? Haha, you deserve worse.

Tom said...

Who made that poster? It looks like some child made it with "Microsoft Word"...

Well, at least they are doing something with the Rock It Mountain installations and that's good!

Spokker said...

"Haha, you deserve worse."

Like what? Jail time?

Anonymous said...

"Who made that poster? It looks like some child made it with "Microsoft Word"..."

The image is from Disney, but I'm pretty sure that the text is something that Honor created.

Tom said...

Oh, I thought he said it was the official attraction poster :)


Anonymous said...

..Oh, wait a sec....Actually, he does identify that as the poster.

So, I don't know. It could still go either way I guess.

Sorry about that. :)

MCP said...

What exactly is Ghost Galaxy like in Hong Kong? What in it would need to be toned down? This does not compute.

End of Line.

Tom said...

I don't think Ghost Galaxy NEEDS to be toned down, I think they are using the Rock It installations and with that, the attraction looks like a toned down version of the HKDL one...
They are using what they have already, Hong Kong got everything new with the GG overlay?