I agree with the Anonymous. Do we really need to see anything, even if it's a lamp tortured? It seems like a sick and twisted mind came up with this video and it's not funny. What do you think the thousands of people that have had relatives wrongly executed would think of this. It's sad, not funny and anyone who would laugh at this is cruel. This is one of a many other reasons why the internet needs to be policed. If the government were in charge of this it would be much better. I'd personally ban such videos and prosecute people like this website for showing it. You may think it's funny now, but wait until someone mimics this and starts killing people and smashing their skulls in. They'll have been influenced by this dangerous stuff. Please take this post down if you have any humanity in you.
It was merely a funny parody. SNL has done countless parodies like this. I remember a Pirate one where the Pirates of The Caribbean got real Somali Porate wepons and opened fire on the crowd. Hilarious! Yet it was fake, and everyone could sit back and have a good laugh at it.
Stop overreacting. This isn't going to cause terrible disasters. Lighten up, take a joke, and stop being paranoid.
I like it, but does it say something awful about me that I like it? I really don't know. Really, I just think it's so hyperbolic, and the fact that it deals with such whimsical subject matter just makes it a comical parody of a very serious situation, which I don't personally advocate. I think it's funny, but I can certainly understand how it could really offend others.
^ The nuts you're speaking of are trolls... most likely the same trolls that have commented on NEARLY EVERY SINGLE blog post in the past few days... and who apparently have nothing better to do than read articles they don't care about and then fill their comment columns with meaningless crap.
The Alphabet stinks and it got what it deserved. Especially that "I"....I mean you can't spell "TEAM" with it, so what good is it anyway. Watch out "Q" your next...how are you even a letter?
You're a pinhead. That you'd think the anonymous posters who critique you, your views, and your poor writing are related to some troll out there that makes very little sense is absurd.
Your conjecture, assumptions, and lack of writing skills are why you continue to receive criticism.
Your ardent fans are comprised of retards who will do anything that the internet tells them to.
Hey I am an anonymous reader who lurks here quite often and the fact is if you don't like what Honor has to say or his writing style, then why are you even on here to begin with? Go read something else.
Plus we are talking about a blog here....not a NY Times bestseller, the power of the internet allows anyone to write....even idiots like me who has the worst writing skills known to man. Fact is if someone wants to read it, great, if not I am fine with that too.
I just find people on the internet these days who spend all their time there take things too seriously. Go read a book or get outside for once. There is only so much your shirt can take of the fast food stains which drip down.
Honor - your a good man, keep writing for those interested. And who cares if content or spelling slips from time to time....unlike some I get the gist!
"Hey I am an anonymous reader who lurks here quite often and the fact is if you don't like what Honor has to say or his writing style, then why are you even on here to begin with? Go read something else.
Plus we are talking about a blog here....not a NY Times bestseller, the power of the internet allows anyone to write....even idiots like me who has the worst writing skills known to man. Fact is if someone wants to read it, great, if not I am fine with that too.
I just find people on the internet these days who spend all their time there take things too seriously. Go read a book or get outside for once. There is only so much your shirt can take of the fast food stains which drip down.
Honor - your a good man, keep writing for those interested. And who cares if content or spelling slips from time to time....unlike some I get the gist!"
Your/There -- it's pretty obvious that you don't care about spelling.
Translation into idiot:
UR/Their -- its prete obveeus thatt u dont kaer aboot speling.
Wow Honor! It must be such an HONOR to have your readers becoming just as bad of spellers and writers as you.
It always amazes me how fanatical blog readers are in their fandom. While I point out that your spelling, grammar, and writing skills are atrocious (fact), your commenters feel it necessary to make ill-informed statements as to whether or not I've gone outside or that I ate fast food.
FWIW, I road my bike today to work and had some homemade pizza for lunch.
Hey Mr. Smarty Pants....didn't I just call myself an idiot and tell you my spelling and writing skills are god awful. Yes "You're" vs. "Your" I get it...it happens...all the time.
All I am trying to say is I wouldn't call myself a member of the Honor Blue Sky Fan Club, but I do enjoy the topics, insight, etc. as a Disney Fan. I am not going to hold the writer accountable for any lack of writing skills or typos. What is talked about peaks my interest. I just think the abuse bloggers in general get by "self appointed editors in chief" is laughable. Either you enjoy what you are reading or you don't. It is unfortunately that simple.
Look nothing personal towards you personally as I rescind any insulting comments made (even the Smarty Pants remark). Its just that I don't understand your psyche to feel like you have to berate someone because you disagree with them or find fault in something that is more of a hobby for them as opposed to a profession. Just can't see how one would feel good about themselves by doing that. Maybe I am naive, but its just a website that has good stories.
You know how trolling works. You say something you know nobody is going to like in the hopes of making yourself feel superior at the inevitable backlash your going to get. Must be a YouTuber.
And "FWIW" is not word, Emerson. Especially now that the letter I is dead.
Thanks for your graciousness. It's much appreciated. I think that Honor has become full of himself and people like Digital Jedi and jedited, etc. aren't helping by bolstering his misguided ego.
@Digital Jedi:
What the hell is a YouTuber? Also, my apologies for forgetting that "I" is dead. I should have spelled "for what it's worth," but I was growing tired of typing.
Spokker's blog is actually good. Unfortunately, he hasn't updated it. Honor updates his for the sake of updating.
@Digital Jedi
I don't really give a hoot about Honor Hunter (if that's even his real name, since it's a stupid name, I have to hope that it's not). His ego is out of control and people like you continue to feed it.
If he had that big an ego, he'd ban you, but apparently he's allowing you to spew out all your venom.
Too bad, I wouldn't let you. And please give me a break trying to pretend you work for Disney. You'd get fired for being such an asshole, I know. I work for them and they'd never do this on blogs.
You're just some lame troll that happens to have a keyboard and drool from thinking you've made fanboys mad.
Get out of your mom's basement and get a job. That way you won't have time to waste on the comments section of a blog.
Your logic makes little sense. You are assuming that someone is an unemployed troll with no actual basis for this line of reasoning. You have no idea whether or not this person is a Disney Employee/Cast Member nor whether they live in their parents' basement.
For example:
1. Their parents could be dead, therefore not allowing them to live in their parents' house. 2. The could work for Disney in Florida where basements are real. 3. It's no more reasonable to assume that you work for Disney than it would be to assume this person does. Perhaps they are simply unhappy and should re-evaluate where the work.
"I don't really give a hoot about Honor Hunter (if that's even his real name, since it's a stupid name, I have to hope that it's not). His ego is out of control and people like you continue to feed it."
Yeah, well look who's talking. I can't think of a more stupid name than "Anonymous".
As for feeding an out of control ego, yours must thrive on negativity.
If Pixar had the eye for Talent that they seem to possess, they would be hiring these guys right now.
This is disgusting. It promotes killing and advocates the use of violence on people by using cute cartoon characters.
What next? Are we going to have Underdog buying shotguns and Sponge Bob getting arrested for being gay?
I'll bet some right winger from Fox News made this. I can't believe you would post such fascist propaganda!
Consider me no longer a reader of your blog.
Drama Queen ^
It was just some well-executed humour. Plus, Honour did not even create it.
I agree with the Anonymous. Do we really need to see anything, even if it's a lamp tortured? It seems like a sick and twisted mind came up with this video and it's not funny. What do you think the thousands of people that have had relatives wrongly executed would think of this. It's sad, not funny and anyone who would laugh at this is cruel. This is one of a many other reasons why the internet needs to be policed. If the government were in charge of this it would be much better. I'd personally ban such videos and prosecute people like this website for showing it. You may think it's funny now, but wait until someone mimics this and starts killing people and smashing their skulls in. They'll have been influenced by this dangerous stuff. Please take this post down if you have any humanity in you.
It was merely a funny parody. SNL has done countless parodies like this. I remember a Pirate one where the Pirates of The Caribbean got real Somali Porate wepons and opened fire on the crowd. Hilarious! Yet it was fake, and everyone could sit back and have a good laugh at it.
Stop overreacting. This isn't going to cause terrible disasters. Lighten up, take a joke, and stop being paranoid.
I like it, but does it say something awful about me that I like it? I really don't know. Really, I just think it's so hyperbolic, and the fact that it deals with such whimsical subject matter just makes it a comical parody of a very serious situation, which I don't personally advocate. I think it's funny, but I can certainly understand how it could really offend others.
Why does this site bring out the nuts?
^ The nuts you're speaking of are trolls... most likely the same trolls that have commented on NEARLY EVERY SINGLE blog post in the past few days... and who apparently have nothing better to do than read articles they don't care about and then fill their comment columns with meaningless crap.
I didn't know Che Wha? had so many relatives...
Leave my cousin out of this!!
I'm sorry its funny. Is it legal though to use the Pixar name and images for it without permission?
Totally funny though. :)
If it wasn't legal, then you couldn't parody anyone or anything, now could you?
Anonymous said:
>>>This is disgusting. It promotes killing and advocates the use of violence on people by using cute cartoon characters.<<<
It promoted killing by having the killer arrested, sentenced to death and executed? Yeah, I'm sure the kids will all line up for that.
Anonymous said:
>>>Consider me no longer a reader of your blog.<<<
We'll miss you, er, whoever you are.
^ Agreed with that. It reminds me of Family Guy.
And to Mr. LaFleur... I take it you're a Lost watcher?
The Alphabet stinks and it got what it deserved. Especially that "I"....I mean you can't spell "TEAM" with it, so what good is it anyway. Watch out "Q" your next...how are you even a letter?
Hubba Blubber Blubber
You're a pinhead. That you'd think the anonymous posters who critique you, your views, and your poor writing are related to some troll out there that makes very little sense is absurd.
Your conjecture, assumptions, and lack of writing skills are why you continue to receive criticism.
Your ardent fans are comprised of retards who will do anything that the internet tells them to.
Hey I am an anonymous reader who lurks here quite often and the fact is if you don't like what Honor has to say or his writing style, then why are you even on here to begin with? Go read something else.
Plus we are talking about a blog here....not a NY Times bestseller, the power of the internet allows anyone to write....even idiots like me who has the worst writing skills known to man. Fact is if someone wants to read it, great, if not I am fine with that too.
I just find people on the internet these days who spend all their time there take things too seriously. Go read a book or get outside for once. There is only so much your shirt can take of the fast food stains which drip down.
Honor - your a good man, keep writing for those interested. And who cares if content or spelling slips from time to time....unlike some I get the gist!
"Hey I am an anonymous reader who lurks here quite often and the fact is if you don't like what Honor has to say or his writing style, then why are you even on here to begin with? Go read something else.
Plus we are talking about a blog here....not a NY Times bestseller, the power of the internet allows anyone to write....even idiots like me who has the worst writing skills known to man. Fact is if someone wants to read it, great, if not I am fine with that too.
I just find people on the internet these days who spend all their time there take things too seriously. Go read a book or get outside for once. There is only so much your shirt can take of the fast food stains which drip down.
Honor - your a good man, keep writing for those interested. And who cares if content or spelling slips from time to time....unlike some I get the gist!"
Your/There -- it's pretty obvious that you don't care about spelling.
Translation into idiot:
UR/Their -- its prete obveeus thatt u dont kaer aboot speling.
Wow Honor! It must be such an HONOR to have your readers becoming just as bad of spellers and writers as you.
It always amazes me how fanatical blog readers are in their fandom. While I point out that your spelling, grammar, and writing skills are atrocious (fact), your commenters feel it necessary to make ill-informed statements as to whether or not I've gone outside or that I ate fast food.
FWIW, I road my bike today to work and had some homemade pizza for lunch.
Hey Mr. Smarty Pants....didn't I just call myself an idiot and tell you my spelling and writing skills are god awful. Yes "You're" vs. "Your" I get it...it happens...all the time.
All I am trying to say is I wouldn't call myself a member of the Honor Blue Sky Fan Club, but I do enjoy the topics, insight, etc. as a Disney Fan. I am not going to hold the writer accountable for any lack of writing skills or typos. What is talked about peaks my interest. I just think the abuse bloggers in general get by "self appointed editors in chief" is laughable. Either you enjoy what you are reading or you don't. It is unfortunately that simple.
Look nothing personal towards you personally as I rescind any insulting comments made (even the Smarty Pants remark). Its just that I don't understand your psyche to feel like you have to berate someone because you disagree with them or find fault in something that is more of a hobby for them as opposed to a profession. Just can't see how one would feel good about themselves by doing that. Maybe I am naive, but its just a website that has good stories.
You know how trolling works. You say something you know nobody is going to like in the hopes of making yourself feel superior at the inevitable backlash your going to get. Must be a YouTuber.
And "FWIW" is not word, Emerson. Especially now that the letter I is dead.
@other anonymous:
Thanks for your graciousness. It's much appreciated. I think that Honor has become full of himself and people like Digital Jedi and jedited, etc. aren't helping by bolstering his misguided ego.
@Digital Jedi:
What the hell is a YouTuber? Also, my apologies for forgetting that "I" is dead. I should have spelled "for what it's worth," but I was growing tired of typing.
If you were growing tired of typing you wouldn't be on this website spewing your venom. What a bug you got up yer ass.
Dude, if you don't like Honor's writing then find someone you do like. Unless you like keeping yourself in misery, in which case you need help.
^Maybe this idiot should try Spokker's blog?
I love it. He thinks the mere act of diminishing his ego bolsters Honor Hunter's. I think someone has a man-crush.
@King Louie
It's my job. It's dirty, but I do it.
Spokker's blog is actually good. Unfortunately, he hasn't updated it. Honor updates his for the sake of updating.
@Digital Jedi
I don't really give a hoot about Honor Hunter (if that's even his real name, since it's a stupid name, I have to hope that it's not). His ego is out of control and people like you continue to feed it.
If he had that big an ego, he'd ban you, but apparently he's allowing you to spew out all your venom.
Too bad, I wouldn't let you. And please give me a break trying to pretend you work for Disney. You'd get fired for being such an asshole, I know. I work for them and they'd never do this on blogs.
You're just some lame troll that happens to have a keyboard and drool from thinking you've made fanboys mad.
Get out of your mom's basement and get a job. That way you won't have time to waste on the comments section of a blog.
@Known Bandit
Your logic makes little sense. You are assuming that someone is an unemployed troll with no actual basis for this line of reasoning. You have no idea whether or not this person is a Disney Employee/Cast Member nor whether they live in their parents' basement.
For example:
1. Their parents could be dead, therefore not allowing them to live in their parents' house.
2. The could work for Disney in Florida where basements are real.
3. It's no more reasonable to assume that you work for Disney than it would be to assume this person does. Perhaps they are simply unhappy and should re-evaluate where the work.
I hope that this clarifies things.
Anonymous said:
"I don't really give a hoot about Honor Hunter (if that's even his real name, since it's a stupid name, I have to hope that it's not). His ego is out of control and people like you continue to feed it."
Yeah, well look who's talking. I can't think of a more stupid name than "Anonymous".
As for feeding an out of control ego, yours must thrive on negativity.
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