There's always room for Star Wars, we like to say...
At Comic-Con this year, they showed a preview of the upcoming Season 3 of the "Clone Wars" animated series on Cartoon Network. Here it is for your enjoyment. I'm sure that Decadent Dave is already getting his DVR ready as I type.
Say what you will about this show, the quality and story are becoming far better and more interesting than the Prequels ever were (save for some of Sith). Of course, that in and of itself isn't saying very much. Season 3 starts this October.
And Lucasfilm is already planning the fourth...
I'm waiting for the day that Lucas lets go and lets others do something with these characters. He's clearly lost site of what he created. Bring on that Zac Snyder R-rated Star Wars film!
You are waiting for a train. a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you can't be sure. You keep telling yourself what you know. But what do you believe? What do you feel?
That's good. Really good.
I see you quoted your bootleg.
The clone wars animated series is VERY good. It's one of my son and my favorite shows.
As with any episodic TV, there are good episodes and bad episodes, but I think on the whole it's a VERY good series.
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