The video for Apple, Inc. press conference is now up at their site...
Watch it if you want to see how the Chairman of the Little Fruit Company responds to the media backlash.
Just don't click on it with your left hand or you may have trouble viewing it...
This is absurd, people.
Learn to use your right hand!
Nothing of value was designed by using your left hand. All designers at Apple have to sign a form stating that they are right handed.
Please get with the 21st century. I am, after all, the symbol of cool.
Where were black turtlenecks and bluejeans before me?
Seems simple enough, I don't see what all the fuss is about.
But Mr. Jobs, I don't have a right hand. What should I do?
Hey, my iPhone 4 works just fine.
There may be a problem, but it only affects a very small amount of phones. About 1.7% of users have complained. I think that's actually a very good record.
Windows should be so lucky as to have only that percentage of people complaining about Vista.
People are still complaining about Vista? Come on, people! Get with the times; we gave you a whole new operating system to complain about almost a whole year ago now! Switch to Windows 7 today!
Bill, I will not allow you to take control of this thread like you did with computing back in the 80's with that horribly inferior OS of yours.
Stop posting now, or I'll have to put you in a restraint. Mind you, it's a lovely, artistically crafted restraint that Johny Ives created, but it's punishment none-the-less.
You've been warned. Oh, and I sent a text as well.
And since the phone is confirmed to have a problem depending on how you hold it, its thereby DEFECTIVE. Imagine if your passenger door on your new car didn't close right? Would you just say "So what. I only use the driver's door so no big deal."
And for you Microsoft haters, do you check in with reality once in awhile? Look at the market share! I don't like it any more than you do, but obviously when one product has 80% of the market share and another has 5-7%, you can easily see which one people prefer. Also, you have to realize that OSX is about 9th on Apple's priority these days. The only way Apple makes money is selling music, music players, and phones!!! Macs and OSX are almost a side business for them these days and as long as they are selling Intel chipset based computers for TWICE or THREE times what other manufactures are selling them for to run Windows, people will continue to buy Windows based machines.
Apple fanbois are blind..period. Steve Jobs can do no wrong and even though Bill Gates sucks...even though he's been gone from Microsoft for years now.
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