There's a lot of colorful bling on the nighttime scene...
If you've seen Disney California Adventure's "World of Color" night time show, then you've more than likely have seen the many things you can buy to show all those that haven't seen it that you have.
Disney is never one to miss an opportunity to market something to its guests and to milk it for everything it's worth. This isn't an insult by the way, I happen to have several shirts from this thing as well.
I figured we would take this opportunity to show you that haven't seen it, some (but not all) of the items you can spend some green to show some color. Or, show the world that you've seen the world.

Last night, a group of friends and I spent the evening watching the 4th of July fireworks at Disneyland and then went over to DCA for that new swanky, water show. If you were there, you would have seen me. I was wearing this...

It comes in light blue and pink as well. I don't own a pink one, btw.
Not enough info? Well, my lovely date was wearing this...

And a good friend tagging along happened to be wearing this...

And his lady-friend was wearing this...

When she wanted this...

When it got a little chillier, I put on this...

Because this would have been too spot on for me...

And after watching the show from the shower that is the front section, I dried off with this...

Of course, they offer several items exclusively for Annual Passholders as well, like this pin...

I don't know why anyone, even a kid would one of these goofy, useless things...

I mean, one of those rainbow lightsabers would've been better.
Then there were the people I saw walking around wearing bracelets like these...

I was hungry, but we decided to wait until later. Flavored popcorn is not my thing...

But those drinks were tasty, once alcohol was added, I mean...

And this glass was magical. Literally, because it changes colors depending on what you put in it. If you put orange juice, it turns orange. If you put grape juice it turns purple. If you put water in it, it miraculously turns transparent...

And those balloons that glow are interesting, but I'd hate to be the kid that wakes up the next day to find it flat. I swear it was glowing and floating last night, dad...

And that's only some of the things you can buy while there. But I think Disney has done a great job of creating interest in the show and watching these things fly off the shelves shows that guest really like it. It's nice to see people coming into the resorts sister park for something only it has. Instead of people coming simply because they have one more day on their pass and they haven't checked out the other park yet.
Change is coming and this is only the beginning and it's good to see some fruit of the TLC that this part of the Disney Empire is getting. It's slow, but it is happening.
I can't wait till they start working on that new front entrance that is going to give the park it's own version of what Main Street is to Disneyland. It now has it's own version of "Fantasmic!" to get guests into the park.
It's going to be interesting to see what becomes this park's "Pirates of the Caribbean" attraction as we move into the second decade of this second gate...
All that's needed now is an official Show Soundtrack on cd.
i can't wait for the hats
Sounds like you tink The Little Mermaid has PotC potential or is E ticket material. Is that right?
I sure wish Disney would hire some product designers with taste, or at least with good artistic/design skills.
Easily one of my favorite posts you have done. I was laughing so hard once I realized what you were doing.
I had the popcorn on opening day. It was absolutely horrible.
Sorry, Anonymous, but it seems to me that the folks who designed THESE products DO have good taste and good artistic/design skills.
yea these items are pretty lame..
I can't say that any of the stuff shown here impresses me, however I don't think it's badly designed. I like most of the artwork I've seen for World of Color, especially the images in the promo material that looks like all of the characters are litereally made out of the water. The merch is too rainbowy for my taste, but let's keep in mind the artists involved can pitch the most wonderful product imagineable but if the suits involved don't think it's a surefire best seller, it'll never get past the concept stage.
The popcorn is huge over in Japan. They have dozens of flavors that taste great. They sell the buckets with popcorn and then a price for a refill. Makes a ton of money.
Yeah, the popcorn is huge over in Japan, but what we got is not that popcorn.
Over in Japan they have buckets full of unique, well made, full flavored popcorn... the stuff we got here is a mixture of 10% purple sugar coated popcorn, 10% blue sugar coated popcorn, 10% red sugar coated popcorn, and 70% crappy tasteless kettle corn wannabe. The whole thing comes together as an absolutely tasteless and terrible concoction of mediocrity.
Heck, I would've taken regular multicolored popcorn over this crap they made.
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