Thursday, October 16, 2008


Well now, far be it from me to not say when I'm wrong...

Or when something that I think is going to suck turns out to be good, or not suck. That out of the way, I just want to say that after having viewed the first few "Clone Wars" episodes on Cartoon Network, I must say that they don't suck like the Clone Wars film. I actually liked a couple of them quite a bit. The only exception to them so far is Anakin's new padawan, Hannah Montana... errr I mean, the Miley Cyrus inspired Ahsoka Tano, whom I just can't stand. Sigh... otherwise, it's a pretty fun show.

So far.

I hope that they stay this good and get better. I also hope that it bodes well for the live-action Star Wars television series too.


Anonymous said...

"Well now, far be it from me to not say when I'm wrong..."

Good for you Honor. :)

That's one of the things that sets you apart from a lot of the other online Disney sources.

I've also heard from others that the tv series is pretty good. I never saw the Clone Wars movie, but I just may catch the tv series sometime.

Matt said...

I still can't stand Ahsoka either, partly because she represents the fact that this series in non-canonical.

What still puts a smile on my face is the squid ship from the movie. Purely my own creation that I shared with the Star Wars community in 2005. Granted, to me, it was a Cartaoan Assault-class cruiser whose notable ability was grabbing ships with strangely biological tentacles and using a strange hatch where the squid beak should be and allows the Cartaoans to board the enemy vessel.

Anonymous said...

Uhm, non-canonical?

Matt said...

The reason Anakin went nuts in Episode III was because he was on the Jedi Council but wasn't a Master. A Jedi becomes a Jedi Master by gaining a Padawan Learner. Thus, this series is non-canonical because Anakin was made a Master.

Anonymous said...

Ok Matt,

You can stop licking George's boot now.

Honor Hunter said...

Play nice, guys...

Anonymous said...

Actually, I believe that Anakin is referred to as just a "temporary" teacher to Ahsoka in the series - but then again, I haven't seen the film yet, just the first two episodes.

I think everything's technically canon still.