The Hollywood studios and the networks are getting behind something new...
Everything moves so quick in life, sometimes when a technology finally achieves critical mass it suddenly becomes obsolete. Enter ZillionTV, a new company and technology that's being supported and partially funded by the entertainment industry. It's going to be a way for them to stream content directly to the consumer, avoiding broadcast TV and have an exciting feature like commercials? Wait, commercials that can't be forwarded through? Yes, I know what you're thinking.
Entertainment is a business and I understand where they're coming from... believe it or not I also follow that model which says nothing in life is free. Everything comes with a cost. But give the Hollywood Reporter article a read and then later this year, those that are experimental can give it a chance. Those that are not can keep finding those bootleg copies out there on the Web. Not that I'm promoting or advocating any of that kind of activity. Remember, nothing of value is free and nothing free is valuable. Yada, yada, yada.
*koff* DIVX *koff*
Not the codec, btw
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