End Mocap here.
The latest poster for Walt Disney Pictures' "A Christmas Carol" has been released...
I can't wait to play the video game of this, I'm sure it'll look just... like... the... movie. Coming to a PS3 near you.
Oh, I mean, coming to a theater near you...
One film I will NOT be going to see, buying the DVD or watching on TV I'm afraid.
Done with fully Mo-Cap films.
Done with Christmas Carol adaptations.
Both have been done to death.
I don't why everyone is so down on Mo-Cap. Weren't there traditional animators who looked down on CG when it first started? Mo-Cap is just another medium of story telling.
I'm not against MoCap... I just don't like paying to see video game scenes...
I actually am looking forward to seeing Cameron's "Avatar" quite a lot. I really liked "Monster House," which was MoCap. I simply haven't like the styles Zemeckis has used in every film starting with "The Polar Express." I hope he goes another direction with "Yellow Submarine." If he does it in the style of the cinematic it'll be cool. If he goes photo-real or the animation used in game it'll be horrible.
Just my two cents...
I'm also pretty tired of MoCap. It's fine every once and a while, but not constantly. I need variety!!
For the most part, the Christmas Carol trailer looks impressive to me. Not sure what everyone else is seeing. I'd say the motion-captured look has improved tremendously since Polar Express.
Nothing could ever beat the prestige of Muppet Christmas Carol. That thing has the best music and emotion... It's going to be hard to top that, if it's even possible.
The older guys don't want CG in their movies, it's the way of things. Like my grandfather was opposed of rock and roll and Star Wars, oh well!
Whatayou mean, older guys?
Get off my lawn!
I happen to love the Mo-Cap style.. I've said it before, and I'll say it again. Zemeckis is doing something new with his films. I also don't see how four films, one not even released yet, could have run this style into the ground already.
Besides, the look shouldn't matter. Like Brad Bird said, animation isn't a genre; it's a media used to tell a story.
And like a certain blogger we all know has said, story, not style, is what matters.
I can't believe there are people reading this blog who think this animation looks good. It's like someone who said to me that they loved the fight scenes in the 2nd Matrix movie... which look like a video game from 1997. There's nothing wrong with the technique of motion capture, but all that gives you is the motions of the actors. You need to animate everything else!
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