DreamWorks Animation releases "Monsters Vs. Aliens" in theaters today and the big question isn't if the film will make a boat load of cash...
It will. The real question is if Jeffrey Katzenberg's company can replicate the awesomeness that was "Kung Fu Panda" and make it two in a row? DW has a long list of projects lined up on the production run way and many are wondering will MVA be a harginger of what's to come or will it fall back into the "Bee Movie" and tiring "Shrek" territory.
After today we may have the answer...
Two in a row? Does Madagascar 2 not count?
...and based on the reviews I've been reading, this ain't no Kung Fu Panda. Sounds more like a Madagascar 1.
This is no Kung Fu Panda.
I saw it today...it has "meh" written all over it. The only thing this film has going for it is that all the mehs are shiny and in 3D.
I saw it today as well. It's not a bad movie by any means, but it's not KFP either.
I agree with everybody. It's maybe a Flushed Away, but not a KFP. KFP is practically unlike Dreamworks.
Kung Fu Panda came as a really pleasant surprise to me. I actually like it a lot more than some of the Pixar films (although not Wall-E).
I agree with the above poster though, that KFP really seemed atypical for a Dreamworks movie. I think part of the reason I was so suprised was because, with few exceptions, I've come to expect upper-end mediocrity from them. Most of their films have been good, but very few have been great.
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