"It's a long, long process. It's so hard when people start leaking tidbits. They're very, very early on [with it] – not that it won't happen happen, it's just early."Read the actual article over at Superhero Hype and cross your fingers that the current crop of Warner Bros. Suits that came up with this version/casting of the animated classic are looking for a job soon.
Zac Efron regarding his involvement in the live-action "Johnny Quest" film.
Real soon...
Ugh. The focus was on trickery, and smarts, not action (though that played a part)
I only saw some of the DVD's and I haven't seen them in a while, but I know enough to know it wasn't really action and Zac Efron is too old.
I think WB is just furious that they didn't rightfully casted Efron in last year's Speed Racer, the movie would have made money if he was involved. Now they are trying to put in another classic franchise even if he hardly resembles the blonde kid protagonist. Desperate for money would be my guess.
It sounds like some of Eisner's old cronies found work at WB.
Mr Efron should be fine in some other adventure story, but this is the wrong casting for this story.
Lots of "Suits" bashing on this blog...somebody needs to get schooled on how show business actually works.
FYI, I'm not a "Suit", I'm an artist at the highest level of the film biz, and if it weren't for the execs, I'd be out of work. They're an important part of the film-making world...yes, even Eisner was VERY important to the growth of Disney.
Yes Anonymous,
There is a role for Suits and if you've read the blog long enough you would see that. As I've stated my distaste for Eisner, I've always prefaced it with referring to his first decade versus his last decade. As you know, I happen to like Bob Iger for the most part... last time I looked, he was a Suit.
Suits that want to turn 21+ year old Zach into 12 year old Johnny get the scorn they deserve...
Here's the schooling I know about "show business". Suits who run the business side and let the creative people be creative are GOOD. Suits who run the business side AND try to run the creative side are BAD.
It's the WB. These are probably the same suits who came up with the rule that Scarecrow and Ra's Al Ghul couldn't be used in JLU or The Batman as they were being used in Batman Begins. Or the ones who are apparently saying Tom Welling can't wear the classic suit at the end of Smallville (which kind of defies the whole point of the series) because they're planning a new Superman movie at some point in the "near" future.
I have no problem with suits, but decisions like that just make you wonder where their logic comes from!
Compared to that an age difference doesn't seem too bad! But it makes no sense when there are plenty of good young actors out there and Zac Efron would be way to old by the time they actually filmed this, especially if they're even considering sequels.
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