Monday, August 24, 2009

Casting Mars...

Casting continues on Walt Disney Pictures adaption of the Edgar Rice Burroughs classic...

The Hollywood Reporter is reporting that actor Dominic West and actresses Samantha Morton and Polly Walker have joined Andrew Stanton's adaption of John Carter of Mars. Click over to the site for more details about who they're playing.

Production is scheduled to begin in three months (November), for a release date of summer 2011. I've seen how many times this was supposed going to be filmed since I was a teen and now it actual is coming to fruition.

Get ready Utah, here comes the Mouse...


Tars Tarkus said...

More like "Casting Doubt" on Mars. I am not thrilled about the casting. I am disappointed that Taylor Kitsch is Carter. All I can say is that Disney had better deliver an epic masterpiece and not some kiddie Narnia BS.

Rodan said...

Hey, At least the casting is better than putting in Will Smith, or some other big name star who isn't right for a part in the piece. Here is hoping they do well with this movie.