I can't wait to see the D23 Expo in a couple weeks...
First though, since this is a Saturday Matinee, how about a preview? That's a nice little marketing campaign the Mouse has started just a few days ago. Expect more as we get closer to the events.
Like I said; I'm really looking forward to this show. If anything, it'll be a nice consolation prize for missing out on Comic-Con this year. I'll be at the Expo Saturday and Sunday. Although I'd like to be there on Thursday and Friday (especially Friday), I've made other plans and won't be able to make it. Possibly Friday evening, but I would want to see Dick Cook's keynote and a few other things.
But I will be there the last two days. Any Disney fan will love it, I believe, especially Saturday. Particularly Disneyland fans. Specifically Star Tour(s) fans. And who knows, maybe even a few Star Wars fans, perhaps? What's that? I have know idea what you're talking about. You didn't hear what you thought you heard. These aren't the droids you're looking for. They're for sale if you'd like to buy them? Hehe...
Plus, Sunday I get to see Lasseter's keynote and his talk about the direction of Walt Disney Animation Studios, a few things I can't mention and then a fun filled evening with friends over at Disneyland.
It'll be fun to see how this D23 Expo develops as time goes by...
Oh, Honor, your such a tease. ;)
I'll be at the Expo. I'm really looking forward to it!
It's great!
Honor, do you know something about "Tick Tock Tale", the short directed by Dean Wellins? Do you know if at D23 Expo shorts will be announced?
who likes short shorts?
I like short shorts!
If only we could get a little D23 on the East coast
No news about Disney and Marvel yet? For shame! :)
Not that same anonymous as that idiot above....
On that note, Honor I know you are on the west coast but am anxiously awaiting your comments and thoughts on the Marvel acquisition (http://money.cnn.com/2009/08/31/news/companies/disney_marvel/index.htm)
Personally I think it is a great strategy move by Iger....boy have times changed since Eisner! I just cant believe it as it seems too good to be true.
Perhaps Marvel will be worked into D23 somehow?
"Not that same anonymous as that idiot above...."
Whoa, no need to be inconsiderate. The world has too few gentlemen.
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