What lies below, what lies beneath...
IESB has a nice, short interview with McG regarding his prequel to 20K...
It it he talks about his passion for all things Jules Verne and how he wants to be more faithful to the book than the classic 1954 film. How wanting Will Smith is faithful escapes me, but luckily he doesn't talk about casting the Fresh Prince as of yet. Or maybe that's unlucky. Not sure. Go over and read it and pray that if this project moves forward the story gods are looking down on it. I can only hope/pray that Lasseter somehow knows about this and uses his influence to make sure it doesn't turn into something that crashes and burns into the ground.
Or the sea...
UPDATE 1: IGN has an interview with the director where he teases about having Sam Worthington play Nemo. Well, at least it ain't Smith.
UPDATE 2: Latino Review has more with G from an interview he did with RadioFree about Pre-20K.
Given the lukewarm-to-terrible critical and commercial response given to "Terminator: Salvation" I would have to think that any major studio would pause before greenlighting another tentpole movie with McG at the helm. But that's just me.
Terminator Salvation was awesome. I used to diss McG for Charlie Angels but he really changed my opinion of him. Can't wait to see what he does with 20000 Leagues.
I bet you can't wait to see G.I. Joe either, Marcus?
You mean GI Joke? No thanks.
Smith looks more Indian than Sam Worthington.
In the original 20K he's never described ethnically, other than to say he's pale. That doesn't imply that he's Indian. In Verne's sequel Mysterious Island, he was described as Indian, but I believe if I remember, it was Indian born. Which could mean he was the product of a British import.
Either way, I like the choice of Worthington over Smith. Smith provides more spectacle than sizzle. I know a lot of people have wanted an Indian actor like the one from Lost, but truthfully they aren't going to go with someone that they don't think can open a $100-$200 million dollar movie. There is just too much at stake.
I agree with you on the financial stakes. But he was Hindu, claiming to be Prince Dakkar.
If I remember right, Nemo in 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea is pretty different from Nemo in Mysterious Island. Different to the point where you probably wouldn't think they were the same person except for the name.
Originally (in early drafts of 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea) Nemo was a Polish noble who was seeking revenge because Russians murdered his family during the Polish Insurrection. Verne removed direct references to this scenario because his publisher didn't want to offend (or get banned in) Russia. The story of him being Indian was invented for Mysterious Island, and doesn't make as much sense to me.
Of course, the movie probably won't use either of these. I'm not sure what market there is for a prequel to a 54-year-old movie, anyway.
Oh! I've never heard that before. Interesting.
I seriously doubt that Lasseter will even look at the script let alone have any other influence on the movie. He is too busy trying to get Rapunzel out the door, working on Cars 2, Toy Story 3, the next Tinkerbell movies, and the redo of California Adventures. He really doesn't have anything to do with the live action movies (other than helping Andrew Stanton with John Carter of Mars).
You forgot "Tron Legacy," he is influencing that...
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