Here are three new foreign posters for Touchstone Pictures "Surrogates" film...
Look, it's Bruce Willis!

Sigh, how I long for the days of Drew Struzan, when posters helped tell the story and not pitch the actor starring in it.
September is just a month away...
I agree Hunter. The art of movies posters seems to have faded away just as film as art is an endangered species. It's all about a name in this business and Bruce's career is fading just as fast. Movie posters used to be colorful, imaginative, and made you curious about the film you were about to see. I long for the days of beautifully drawn Bob Peak, Richard Amsel, Frank Frazetta, Renato Casaro and Tom Jung. The studios would rather pay a talentless kid with photoshop than a talented artist with imagination and vision.
Bob Peak...
Me like Bob Peak. ;)
Unfortunately it also has a lot to do with the foreign market and name recognition.
Sad but true...
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