I'm stuck! I'm stuck! Someone get me out.
They say imitation is the best form of flattery...
What you see above it the logo for the new Microsoft Stores that are going to be popping up all across America. Coincidentally, they're going to be very near Apple Stores. I wonder... when the power goes out or their security system goes Kablouy! does the room trap you in a living example of the "Blue Screen of Death?"
It's funny that Number One is chasing Number Two, isn't it? Why is it Bill Gates company feels the need to copy what Steve Jobs company is always doing? Oh well, I guess we can look forward to the stores reflecting the Apple experience somewhat since they've hired many executive who helped start the Little Fruit Company's stores. But will they have a Genius Bar? I mean, really... these are Windows computers after all. Hehe... sorry, but you guys know I'm a Mac Guy/Apple Dude.
It's all about the product, it's all about design, baby...
I personally don't find it much of a copy. It's like saying Kohls is copying Old Navy because it's opening up a store right next to it. Doesn't mean that Apple is opening a store, doesn't mean that Microsoft shouldn't. Apple has proven that their ways of doing business is very successful. I think its more of a competition than a copy. Apple has raised the bar and Microsoft wants to raise the bar higher... not sure they can though. If Microsoft doesn't get into a a trend, their business will dwindle.
Microsoft has been copying Apple or other companies since the getgo. Heck, the windows os is a copy of what Apple was copying from Xerox. Right? MS copied Sony in getting into the game console arena and beat them at their own game especially with the 360. Copied the ipod with the Zune, too bad on that one. But, at least they are trying and competition is always good.
Now we just need a serious windows competitor.
This is exactly why I hate apple fans. They act so smug. Time to grow up Hunter. You turn people off of the whole apple brand acting like that.
Oh, please...
If you can't take teasing I'm sorry, but if you've ever looked at the comments very often I get people saying a whole lot worse about me than what I've said. If I responded to everyone that said anything bad about me or the blog, I wouldn't have time to blog. Luckily I have a thick skin.
I suggest you get one as well.
And while you're out shopping pick up a sense of humor also...
Isn't everything that's not an APPLE store a Microsoft store? Best Buy? Fry's? Seems a bit redundant. Still Microsoft copying Apple is a bit like Disney copying Pixar - isn't it? I know they are one company NOW but the parallels are there.
I wish I could afford an Apple, but... oh well, I'll drive my HP for a few more years!
I think both Gates and Jobs make the tech world fascinating! Cheers and long life to both of them!
I know many think of Microsoft as the evil empire (in which I would somewhat agree), but I would suggest that Jobs & Apple aren't complete angels either or close to it! =)
Call me old fashioned, but I prefer Microsoft over Apple. Then again, we had crappy Macs in school, so maybe thats why I don't like Apple.
But still, my school is now just on Windows, and they run faster, although not by much.
Apple does make good iPods and stuff like that.
Faster? You must not be running Vista, Pirate Guy...
I must admit I'm impressed with the new release that is coming out, Windows 7, but I'm still a Mac Guy.
But to each his own...
All the spiffy colors. Must be Gay Pride week.
I guess that logo is supposed... to be..a...window? Is that a window? It's a little like the MS logo, but no swooshy wave, or like Office but not rounded.
I like the apple. Simple. Clean. No nonsense.
Anyway, I wish them luck, they're not bad, they're just not as cool as Apple.
someone who is a PC is like an adult that listens to Power 106 (hip hop). You know you can't teach them the ways of the Mac. They just won't get it so I don't waste my time trying.
Who's the Mac(k)?
No, they won't have a Genius Bar... They thought real hard about how they could copy Apple on that so it will be exactly the same as a Genius Bar — but they are proud of themselves that THEIRS will be a DIFFERENT "G" word... Are you ready for this? Microsoft will call it the Guru Bar." Seriously! "Far out, man!" LOL 8=o)
-Rich Koster
Posted from my iPhone 3GS
They should call it the Blue Oyster bar.
"It's funny that Number One is chasing Number Two, isn't it?"
Yes it is, but I'm more glad that they are than aren't. MS is chasing more than just Apple, it is chasing Google, Sony, and Nintendo. The problem is chasing is more difficult than innovating. It costs more to come up with something better than something original. MS seems to have a hard time making original ideas flourish. Nonetheless, I prefer Windows to Apple OSX.
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