We've finally got a look at what the Last Son of Krypton looks like in the 21st Century...
And it looks both very impressive and a bit worrisome. You would expect the action from Zach Snyder to look good, but I've been worried that the version they're making would try to be dark and edgy. And after seeing this, I'm still slightly worried about that.
There was a quick montage of action shown. A really cool shot of Superman and Zod hurtling toward one another for a massive battle, carnage and destruction. It all looks cool. I expect that from Snyder. He's great at visual action. I worry about the script. After "Sucker Punch," how could you not? The saving grace for this is that Christopher Nolan guided it through the process.
I have no doubt it will look great, but what worries me is the director's quotes on the subject. When he says things along the lines of: "out is the boy scout, in is kicking people's @ss!" I get worried. Superman isn't Batman and doesn't need to be edgy. In fact, he's not Clark Kent if he is that way. He's raised with midwestern, American values that plant within him the moral compass that directs his life. He doesn't have the angst of Bruce Wayne because he had a more normal past. One with a father and mother there to guide him and love him. His foundation is built so that he's not looking for answers in this world, he's trying to help it just like his mother and father would have done.
The production values look great and the actors are perfectly cast. I just want to make sure that the script is right there with the rest of the film. And right now I'm just not sure. I want to be. But I am cautiously optimistic that this will reboot Kal-El. And hopefully DC will have the start of a DC Cinematic Universe. And it would be kind of cool that the hero that started it all, will be the one that starts this universe. I can't wait to see the trailer for this that will be in front of a little film that opens up next Friday.
If the film is a darker take on the story, I hope that the bright spot in the film is Superman himself...
Superman needs some edge to him in today's day and age. The idea of the Boy Scout is something that needs to be kept, but it needs to be in conflict with the world as it really is. The world has much evil in it and good must not be a]naive about this point. Hopefully, this film and others hopefully to follow will exlore these inner conflicts. Superman is a child of two worlds. He should represent what is best in both, but it should NEVER be easy.
Hopefully, after Zod, we will see the long awaited appearance of Brainac. Luthor needs to be the head of a secret criminal enterprise that contains a stable of villain such as the Toy Man, the Prankster, Deadshot, Metallo and others. Hopefully, this production will soar.
And DC, take the character seriously like you did with the Dark Knight. We want no Superman III or Batman and Robin. The comdedy must be natural coming from within the characters, not staged situations like the opening of Superman III.
I hope I'm wrong, because Superman could use a comeback, but I don't think Zach Snyder gets it. Like you said, his comments are worrisome. Superman Returns wasn't a dud because he was a boy scout. It was a dud because, frankly, it wasn't a good film.
Also Snyder's comments on a possible JL film down the line also illustrate why DC/Warner Bros. doesn't get it. The Marvel cinematic universe works so well because THEY HAVE A PLAN. Snyder pretty much pointed out they don't have one.
Couldn't agree with you more, Honor. Snyder is trying to turn Superman into 300 meets Watchmen. He doesn't get it. Was the wrong choice to direct. The suit looks terrible. This is an iconic character. You don't re-invent the wheel. You have to respect the original material not try to make it something it never was supposed to be.
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