Not anymore...

Though not official, this "Tron Legacy" poster made by an artist who's a fan is spot on...
Designed by James White, an artist whose portfolio has included Toyota, Armada Skis, VH1 Latin America and MTV, this poster evokes the love that we all have for this cult classic. Not to mention the hope that this new film will be the blockbuster hit that the original never was. Perhaps Walt Disney Pictures' marketing department should give Mr. White a call?
Game on people, game on...
Hat Tip to /Film.
WOW! I gotta have that! The neon definitely evokes Tron. The design is simple but kind of blaze. I still have the original one-sheet so this would look awesome framed next to it. Hell yeah!
Tron sucks. This movie is going to bomb sooooo badly. No one is going to show up to see a sequel to an 80's failure! What is Disney thinking? Iger should be fired. Eisner would have never made such a stupid decision.
I really think it is time you change the name of your blog. More often than not you are not talking about Disney.
To the first Anonymous, I have to disagree with your post. Although I have yet to see Tron, I would go see Tron Legacy this weekend if I could. (Personally, I think this is going to be one case in which the sequel is better than its predecessor.)
Furthermore, there are numerous examples in which a film disappointed at the box office but succeeded on video and TV. Hence, the film had a hugely successful sequel. (One example is the Austin Powers franchise.)
And on a final note, I agree with you that Eisner would not have approved a theatrical Tron sequel. Now, he might have eventually approved several direct-to-video Tron sequels... Of course, he wouldn't have needed to, considering all the money coming from Snow White III, Chicken Little 8 and Toy Story 4 1/2.
Heck ya! I want that framed in my room!
So Tron is NOT talking about Disney? Or maybe he should just talk about the parks? Get your own blog if you don't like what he talks about. I've been reading Honor since day one and he's always talked about other things, so it's not new. But to rag on him about a post that is in relation to a Disney film is beyond ridiculous.
Ok, lets examine the last few of Honor's posts:
The Tron Poster - Disney film
Story about Jobs - Biggest Stockholder in the company
Empire Strikes Back - Star Wars characters in the Disney parks
Story about Apple - again, Jobs, but also Disney's relationship with them has been a big focus since Iger got there
Story about Halo - If Spielberg produces it, it will be a Disney or Touchstone film
Tokyo Disney's Halloween - music from the CD
Yeah, I guess I can see why you would think it was nothing about Disney.
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