Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Alice Shows Her Face...

One of the viral marketing that the Mouse is doing for Tim Burton's new film is now up...

Through the wonders of Facebook you can become a fan of several characters from the new Walt Disney Pictures "Alice in Wonderland" film. If you join up and become a fan, then you'll become one of the few to first see a new teaser for the 2010 film.

Become a Loyal or Disloyal Subject:

The White Queen.

The Red Queen.

The Mad Hatter.

But you'd better hurry, the deadline is Thursday, July 23, by 7 pm (EST)...


DME Medical Supplies said...

I signed up. I'm a fan of the White Queen. Hopefully being a fan of one will be enough that I can see the special teaser preview. I'm looking forward to this movie . . . I certainly love what I've seen so far.

Desclosed Locater said...

Mad Hatter Rules!

Anonymous said...

haha this is hilarious....a few of my friends have been like "oooh I joined the ___ group, I hope I win!" but when I checked all three today, the Mad Hatter group had 7,000 more members than any of the other two! Why not just wait until the last minute to join the group with more fans? ha. Needless to say, I joined the Mad Hatter group...it's obvious who will win this.

Or wait until it spills onto youtube, I guess.

Either way, neat idea and nice use of facebook to market something for free.

Get Off Your Duff said...

If you go to www.deadlinehollywooddaily.com you can see the trailer from a link to IGN. It's incredible. Go check it out.