Saturday, July 18, 2009

Apple Playing Games With Competition...

There's been many rumors lately about a certain Fruit Company going into the gaming business...

I remember the rumors months ago about Apple buying Electronic Arts or even a few about companies like Valve, sort of like the Micro$oft deal years ago for Bungie Software. Not much has surfaced, but there are people starting to state that Steve Jobs' desire to control the living room will have to involve games. From gathering content, to possibly creating a console. Some analyst are even speculating that they'll go head to head against Nintendo and possibly Sony with a creation that plays on the many converts that it's gotten over the past decade with iPods, iPhones and Macs. Jobs and Co. have turned Apple from a cool niche company to a super hot, brand named electronics maker (one that apparently doesn't follow the rules of a recession). I remember when Steve returned to the company he was asked what he wanted Apple to become and his response was: "the Sony of computers." Well, over the past few years it seems he misquoted himself, because it appears he wants to be Sony.

Or at least a very dangerous competitor of it...


Anonymous said...

Before anyone goes out with the usual "but this is a Disney blog not an Apple blog", we need to remember that Steve Jobs owns is the largest stockholder of Disney and, technically, 'owns' it.

Anonymous said...

i'd buy an apple video game console over a ps3 or xbox. especially if it was basically a computer anyways. and had blu-ray....and had itunes with movies and music....damn....the future is here.

NameGame said...


swatsi said...

Agree with above posters. I would buy an Apple console over Sony and Microsoft, but it would depend on the software, the games.
I'm a Nintendo gamer primarily, so it would have to be really good to beat that addiction.

Compatibility with iPhones, iPods, and iTunes would be a killer componant that could sell a machine with the right direction.

Anonymouse said...

There's been talk of making the iPhone compatible with Apple TV as a game controller.

Steve Wozniak said...

AppleTV is a failure for Apple. Netflix PWNS AppleTV. What makes them think they can compete against Sony or Nintendo? Sorry but I'm sticking with console manufacturers. Sony has done more with multimedia integration on its PS3 platform than Apple ever could. Gotta go with Sony in this horse race. Sure, the PS2 is outselling it and Sony was forced to drop the price of the console to compete against the Wii but the PS3 is still not only the best bluray player on the market but the complete multimedia integration system on the market.