Friday, July 31, 2009

Will Marshall Captain A New Pirates' Ship...

Now this is interesting...

I don't know what to think, good or bad, but Variety's BFDealmemo blog is reporting that Rob Marshall ("Chicago") is in talks to come aboard as director of "Pirates of the Caribbean 4: Subtitle Here" at any moment.

Take it for what it's worth (keep in mind they were originally reporting Spielberg directing "Matt Helm") and go over to the site to read the rest.


Anonymous said...

If this is true, and I've seen it noted in several places on the web, as long as Johnny's ok w/it I'm fine.

Now really make my day and tell me they have new writers for #4!

Crossing Fingers!

Professor Ravenwood said...

Great. Pirates: the musical.

MarkTwain said...

Chicago is an EXCELLENT movie... it won the "Best Picture" Oscar in 2002, for God's sake. If the new director can make the upcoming Pirates to the same caliber, than it might turn out to be a really great sequel.

Quack McBush said...

Yeah, maybe the next Pirates film can be about a bunch of bitter, vindictive woman that have no social redeeming value. Oh wait, THAT was Chicago!

PirateGuy 815 said...

Please, please I want this to succeed. I love Pirates (I think you can tell).

I don't want new writers, I mean Ted Elliot and Terry Rossio made Curse of the Black Pearl awesome, and tghe other two were good, just not the same as the first.

As long as Jerry Bruckhiemer is still involved, it'll be good. Not to mention Johnny Depp!

Luke said...

I'm really not much of a Rob Marshall fan. His films just seem to be all style and no substance (and whatever substance does creep in can be chalked up to the writers rather than his directing). Even so, I have to admit he'd be a pretty decent fit for this. I mean he's got a ton of experience with period costume and makeup plus he's proven to be a very accomplished choreographer, and that's really what the swordfights boil down to.