This is going to be the first of many...
It was announced late last week that Disney Interactive was going to release a game version of Walt Disney Pictures "Alice in Wonderland" for the iPhone. I mentioned a while back that there were plans to tap this growing market with games. Can you imagine the swanky new mobile game of "Tron Legacy" that's being developed? In addition to the iPhone, the Alice game would be available for Wii, Windows and the Nintendo DS. No plans as of yet for a Mac version were announce. Not a smart move for the platform of your biggest stockholder.
Developing, literally...
I've noticed a number of recent games from Disney being developed for Wii\DS (and iPhone), and excluding PS3\X-Box.
Is this part of the games strategy or just how its turned out recently?
First? They've already have been doing this. The iPhone game for "Up" was an utter bore.
I would assume that Disney is developing this game for Wii/DS (Nitendo brands) just because it fits its target audience (kids and families) more-so than XBox and PS2 (which are usually teens and adults). Although I think it's too early to say it's excluding X-Box/PS3, just because I believe Tim Burton's Alice will be enjoyed for all ages.
But I do believe Disney Interactive established a development branch specializing inWii/DS programming, so maybe that's why we've heard more about them.
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