"Despicable Me," Universal's foray into animation features, has released it's first trailer...
I don't know if it's what Illumination Entertainment (the Globe's new CG animation division) intended, but the scenes king of remind me of the Peter Sellers "Pink Panther" films tone-wise. That's not a bad thing. Steve Carell stars.
Give it a look...
This will either be hysterically funny or embarassingly bad.
I don't think it's an either/or equation. It looks to me to be mildly entertaining. But it won't be anywhere near Pixar quality, and may go more the route of Igor, instead of King Fu Panda (which was, admittedly, a great movie).
I just saw the trailer for this in the theatre today, and I agree with Tinman, it will either be awesome, or very bad.
This frankly looks like ass. And oh BOY let's see a list of the celebrity voices! That's what's IMPORTANT, right? Can't wait to ignore this one.
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