Wednesday, July 22, 2009

The Everything/Anything 2009...

If you're going to be going to Comic-Con this year, I hope you have your schedule planned out...

And if not, I've included the 4 day list below. Also if you have an iPhone there's a really cool app that has the schedule, maps and other info you can carry around with you during the four days of pop-culture feasting.

Day One.

Day Two.

Day Three.

Day Four.

Have fun. Stay cool. Pace yourself.



Anonymous said...

So that make three summer cons I would (have) like(d) to go to, but can't: Anthrocon, Comic Con, and D23 Expo.

Trev-Dog said...

The Alice and Wonderland teaser has been leaked!

Hat tip to /Film

PirateGuy 815 said...

Thank you so much Honor! I can't wait till the Lost panel!

Anonymous said...

Teaser looks amazing for Alice, can't wait for Honor's thoughts. Coming out of the gate though it seems like they are going to heavily market the Depp angle, just hope it isn't as opposed to the movie itself. Then again the guy does bring in the money.