That is so cool how they recreated Flynn's arcade from the original film in exacting detail right down to an actual Space Paranoids standup. The new lightcycle looks killer. Not impressed by Daft Punk's chintzi techno synthpop. It's not Tron without Wendy's Tron themes.
I don't mind Daft Punk. I actually liked their robot funk song (a little repetitive but not bad). However I don't think they should have been the ones chosen to score the film. It's like getting Danny Elfman to score a Terminator movie when the original composer Brad Fiedel should have been brought back to continue building and evolving his themes that created the atmosphere and tone of the first two films. There seems to be a lack of respect for "Miss" Carlos' original work which encapsulated the time at which it was made using the technology available back then. Carlos' themes have become a familiar part of the generational pop culture of the era through the video games that it would only seem natural to bring Carlos back to take those familiar themes to an entirely new level while preserving a continuity and style of the original film.
I've never been to Comi-Con, but if I were ever to go one, I would have wanted to go to this one or the next one. I'm a bit of a Tron fantatic and I would have loved to play real arcade version of Space Paranoids and Tron and what not. Sigh. It has to be what I kind of imagine heaven being like.
BTW, I don't object to Daft Punk, but I sure hope the pick up a lot of Wendy Carlos's cues in the music. If you listen to enough Daft Punk, some of their more melodic shows the sports of sensibilities that I hope got them picked, so I'm hoping there is respect for Carlos in the sound track. That part is important--but, so far, everything they've done--the viral marketing, building the arcade with the real Space Paranoids games--suggest they understand Tron: Legacy is a movie that has two important roles: it has to be an enaging story, and it has to respect the original. It has to dive deep into the nostalgia. It has to be a great movie in it's own right, but it also has to respect the source material.
Which means--as I've pointed out elsewhere--no cutesey references to Facebook or MySpace. It would be great if it barely acknowledged the existence of the World Wide Web, but instead focused on the mysterious new network being pushed by Encom . . . and I'm hoping strongly for a part (implied by the "Legacy") where they have to go back the old way for some reason. Take the solar sailer, fight grid bugs, run into all the old tank programs--essentially, take a little known shortcut through the old Encom mainframe where old-style tron programs are still wandering around in their little glowing spandex suits.
That is so cool how they recreated Flynn's arcade from the original film in exacting detail right down to an actual Space Paranoids standup. The new lightcycle looks killer. Not impressed by Daft Punk's chintzi techno synthpop. It's not Tron without Wendy's Tron themes.
Wendy is sooo 20th Century.
Move up to the new century dude. Get in the game!
I'd kill to hear Wendy score with state-of-the-art synthesizers. DP is so 90's electrodisco.
"Not impressed by Daft Punk's chintzi techno synthpop."
Blasphemy. Seriously. Disney fans have no taste in music what so ever.
I don't mind Daft Punk. I actually liked their robot funk song (a little repetitive but not bad). However I don't think they should have been the ones chosen to score the film. It's like getting Danny Elfman to score a Terminator movie when the original composer Brad Fiedel should have been brought back to continue building and evolving his themes that created the atmosphere and tone of the first two films. There seems to be a lack of respect for "Miss" Carlos' original work which encapsulated the time at which it was made using the technology available back then. Carlos' themes have become a familiar part of the generational pop culture of the era through the video games that it would only seem natural to bring Carlos back to take those familiar themes to an entirely new level while preserving a continuity and style of the original film.
I've never been to Comi-Con, but if I were ever to go one, I would have wanted to go to this one or the next one. I'm a bit of a Tron fantatic and I would have loved to play real arcade version of Space Paranoids and Tron and what not. Sigh. It has to be what I kind of imagine heaven being like.
BTW, I don't object to Daft Punk, but I sure hope the pick up a lot of Wendy Carlos's cues in the music. If you listen to enough Daft Punk, some of their more melodic shows the sports of sensibilities that I hope got them picked, so I'm hoping there is respect for Carlos in the sound track. That part is important--but, so far, everything they've done--the viral marketing, building the arcade with the real Space Paranoids games--suggest they understand Tron: Legacy is a movie that has two important roles: it has to be an enaging story, and it has to respect the original. It has to dive deep into the nostalgia. It has to be a great movie in it's own right, but it also has to respect the source material.
Which means--as I've pointed out elsewhere--no cutesey references to Facebook or MySpace. It would be great if it barely acknowledged the existence of the World Wide Web, but instead focused on the mysterious new network being pushed by Encom . . . and I'm hoping strongly for a part (implied by the "Legacy") where they have to go back the old way for some reason. Take the solar sailer, fight grid bugs, run into all the old tank programs--essentially, take a little known shortcut through the old Encom mainframe where old-style tron programs are still wandering around in their little glowing spandex suits.
But maybe that's just me.
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