I don't believe it, but "G-Force" beat "Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince" on Friday night. Now that is something I thought I'd never say or see. I figured the family film would do nicely with the "Beverly Hills Chihuahua" crowd, but I never thought it would beat the Trio of Hogwarts. While it's not my cup of tea, this shows that there is a family audience out there that is hungry to be entertained.
I didn't know they were this hungry...
Zach said it's the sequel to the hangover
I think G-Force's success may be more of a reflection of HP6 than on the audience. HP6 was a disappointing bore. I can see why families would want to see something light and entertaining, if not irredeemably silly, rather than see Potter again. Who wants to endure Hermione's inexplicable crush on Ron TWICE? Sheesh.
I liked HP6. I would also rather watch HP6 a hundred times, backwards and in Esperanto than watch G-Force...
Now now, G-Force ain't that bad. To be frank, Beverly Hills Chihuahua would have been a bigger hit if it was done in 2D animation.
It's not the matter of hunger or not, it's just G-Force is the lesser suckier movie compared to HP.
Harry Potter isn't even near great... I'm sorry. We just got to disagree here. Harry doesn't do sh*t and everyone keeps counting on him to do everything to save the world just because he is the chosen emo boy.
I get escapism and everything, but good storytelling is good storytelling.
FBI trained Guinea pigs? Really?
This just backs up the worrying trend in the US this summer - crappy movies doing well. Transformers was arguably the worst film of the summer but people seem to be seeing it in droves, WHY? it wasn't even entertaining, how the hell did Michael Bay managed to make a movie about giant robots boring?
HP6 was great although I kind of agree that it may not get that much repeat business from families, perhaps it's too dark for that. It is arguably the best film of te summer (along with Star Trek)
If you think HP6 and Star Trek were the best movies of the summer, did you not see UP? Seriously? The only film I've seen this summer with sweepingly creative and adventurous storytelling, excellently developed characters, and a scope that is somehow both escapist and very real in its emotional impact was the latest hit from Pixar. UP is the only movie I've seen lately (probably since The Dark Knight) that I couldn't wait to see multiple times.
Up was too emotional and not fun enough to see more than once. Harry Potter was great for the first hour and a half, but it got a little old. Plus the final half hour of the movie doesn't even fit because they basically cut everything that set it up (the memories).
UP was indeed great. Wonderful film...however, I have no desire to see it again. Weird, but there it is. Maybe because in some very profound ways, UP was *too* real. I really don't want to cry at a movie, or witness human tragedy in a cartoon. I just kinda wish Pixar would make lighter films again, as per Toy Story and Incredibles. Or that Disney would produce great 2D along the lines of Lion King. (Yeah, that was sad in some spots too, but it was cushioned by the fact that animals took the place of human beings.) So I'm really looking forward to "Princess and the Frog" (awful title though, they should have stuck to "Frog Princess" and the HELL with French sensibilities) and to Toy Story 3. I just want a great fun time at the movies. Oh speaking of that, Harry Potter 6 SUCKED.
I'm in no regards a HP fan. But I have seen each movie once. I saw the new one last night, and it was not the best. After Dubledore died, the movie more or less ended. No big battle, no funeral, no emotion from the audience at all.
Star Trek was the best movie I saw this summer. I never saw Up, though I really wanted to!!
I'll take escapism, but not the kind that makes you loose brain cells. Up stayed positive while it had a lot of really sad parts. The newest HP actually had a lot of humor despite the darkening tone the recent movies have had.
Up, Star Trek, and HP6 are IMO the best movies of the summer so far. They're all entertaining but don't resort to low silliness to tell their stories.
Both movies are good harry potter and Half blood prince and i enjoyed it.
I think this is more of a reflection of the fact that there are NO good family movies out there right now, than the worth of HP6. I saw, HP6 and I don't think it completly sucked. Its not something I would take a 5 year old too though. Gforce is that movie that the whole family can see.
They're two different demographics. How old is a Harry Potter fan compared to someone that wants to watch G-force.
It is NOT the sequel to The Hangover. It's not even rated R, much less PG-13. Only PG. Besides, Disney didn't create The Hangover. Besides, people just don't make sequels that fast. Granted, how short it took for the third Pirates movie...
That was because Pirates 2 and 3 were filmed back to back.
PixarFanatic, are you a moron? It was a joke. I bet you liked this movie.
The true test for G-Force will be this coming weekend after HP in IMAX 3D is released tomorrow. The lull between HP's opening and its IMAX 3D release might be the only profit window G-Force will get this summer.
As others pointed out, G-Force's target audience is much younger than HP's so that naturally adds to the box take with the lack of family fare. But given how many critics reported seeing even the kids being bored by this film I doubt it will have much staying power.
Robert Rodriguez' latest family flick (Shorts) comes out next week. If it proves as successful as Spy Kids, I think the little rodents are done for.
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